

Bethlehem Pantry We contribute money and food to this ministry.

New Day Urban Ministries (San Diego Presbytery) Provides essential services to the homeless, urban poor, veterans and those recently released from prison.

San Diego Military Outreach Ministries (MOM) This ministry serves junior enlisted military with basic needs. Our church sponsors a Santa’s breakfast each year for these families, providing a visit with Santa plus gifts.

UPLIFT (Urban People Living in Faith and Trust) was founded in 1987 to serve San Diego’s inner city residents and beyond.

Welcome Ministry We have been a part of Welcome Ministry for over ten years.  Welcome Ministry cares for those who are homeless and those who are refugees.  St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and FPCEC provide the space for twice monthly English-Arabic church services, twice monthly food distribution, weekly “Making Art, Making Conversation,” and the Circle Community Garden.  We also work with St. Alban’s to distribute protein packs to the homeless.  


Baja Presbyterian Ministries assists the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico in planting and building and supporting churches in Tijuana, Mexicali and other cities on the Baja Peninsula.

Kosky Ministry in South Africa.

Dave and Linda Ringenberg serve in Papua, New Guinea. They both grew up in this church. They serve through Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).


Nurses Offering for El Cajon Elementary District nurses for use in helping children in need.

Christmas Joy is a one time gift to benefit past, present and future leaders of the Presbyterian Church.

One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering taken once a year during Lent to support three programs of the Presbyterian Church - Hunger program, Self-Development of People, and Disaster Assistance.