International Missions

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

- Matthew 25:40, NIV


Our three missionary partners have deep seated ties to the local community and our congregation. All of them went to school here locally and the Ringenberg family were members of our church. Dave and Linda Ringenberg were youth group leaders here before going into the missionary field. Our former pastor, Steve Locke, went on two short term mission trips to South Africa in support of Kelly Kosky’s ministries.

Baja Presbyterian Mission is outreach through the Presbytery to our neighbors to the south.

Missionaries We Support


Dave and Linda Ringenberg

Dave and Linda Ringenberg – As previously mentioned, Dave and Linda were our youth leaders in the early 90’s before Dave completed flight training and joined MAF as a pilot. They and their family have served in the Far East with a hiatus of several years while they dealt with the tragic loss of their young daughter from a fatal brain tumor. Dave and Linda are currently serving with MAF in Papua, Indonesia. Dave is a regional coordinator and still does some flight missions.

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Kelly and Kathy Kosky

Kelly and Kathy Kosky – After graduating from SDSU and running a successful CPA business, Kelly and Kathy heard the Lord’s call in the 1980’s to serve as missionaries. They have been serving in the Transkei region of South Africa ever since. Kelly travels to the rural villages of the Xhosa people preaching the gospel and establishing churches wherever he goes. He has also established a bible college, an orphanage, a HIV/AIDS medical facility, and other ministries in areas of need in South Africa. Kelly survived a near fatal death road accident there some years ago, but despite the loss of a leg continues on faithfully in his ministry.

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Baja Presbyterian Missions

Established in 1964. Baja Presbyterian Ministries assists the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico plant and builds churches in Tijuana, Mexicali, and other cities of the Baja Peninsula, It also assists in pastor training and salary assistance until the churches can be self-sustaining.

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