Everyone has a gift to share! From painting to planting, offering a warm smile as an usher, serving as a liturgist (a reader in our worship service), volunteering with our children, ringing bells, or stuffing envelopes, your service is welcome and valued. We help people serve in their areas of interest and passion, attentive to sustainable rhythms as they give of their time and talents.
Contact the office with your area of interest. office@firstpres-elcajon.org
In the fall of 2022 FPCEC made the decision to convert one large room of our office space into an apartment for a refugee family. We began with preliminary drawings and rough ideas of how to accomplish this conversion. Our drawing shows a living room/dining room area, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a laundry room. We then sent our intent to the City of El Cajon in the fall of 2023. Their response required major changes to the space to meet current building codes. Session made the decision to hire a local architectual firm to formalize the design in hopes that some of the building code requirements could be lessened. The plans are ready to submit for permits once Session commits to the funds needed to complete the project.
We would like to build a multilevel affordable housing complex which will benefit the residents of El Cajon by providing much needed housing at below market rate.
After the State of California passed SB4, a leadership team from this church met to explore the possibility of building housing on our property. The team met with a local developer, Community Housing Works(CHW), to discuss options and financing.
This new project would be located in the parking lot at 551 Farragut Circle. It would include community space including a kitchen for use by the residents. A preliminary design is available. The team toured several CHW properties and held conversations with the congregation of FPCEC. The congregation agreed to pursue the building of affordable housing on our property and the Presbytery of San Diego approved a Memorandum of Understanding with CHW in late May, 2024. We are currently working with CHW on the next steps of this exciting possibility.
Click here to view preliminary plans
P.A.L.L. Program for Training Lay Leaders
The program’s purpose is to provide theological preparation for lay leaders of Spanish-speaking congregations in the Presbytery of San Diego. This program, designed for these congregations’ unique needs and challenges, ensures that they are well-equipped to serve their communities. The Spanish congregations play a vital role in the program, assuming the responsibilities of nominating the candidates, covering part of the program expenses and providing the student with a mentor within the congregation. The program is conducted in Spanish with areas of instruction centered in Biblical Interpretation, Reformed Theology and Sacraments, Presbyterian Polity, Worship, Homiletics, Pastoral Care, Teaching and Contextual Theology.
C7 Group Description
C7 is a new worshiping community and part of the Presbyterian Church, USA’s 1001 program. It’s not just about a new way of doing church but a transformative journey involving all our participants. In C7 we aim to create new disciples of Jesus Christ, transform the context in which we operate as the body of Christ, create a safe and inclusive space and build meaningful relationships with the unchurched Spanish-speaking communities of East County and beyond.