Recent Sermons

Live Church 2/16/2025

“Christ’s Table”

A level may help hang a painting straight, but what if the foundation of the house is crooked? Jesus’ blessings and woes expose the cracked foundations of our unjust and inequitable systems, and he declares a new reality in God. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus isn’t up on the mountain teaching, he’s with the people on a level place. He doesn’t spiritualize physical suffering but joins us – and levels with us – in our flesh and blood reality.

Live Church 2/9/2025

“Has a Seat”

After a frustrating night of catching nothing, Jesus invites Simon to drop his nets again in the deep water. His response to the abundant catch is a recognition of his own unworthiness, yet Jesus communicates that he’s chosen Simon Peter. He made the team! He has a seat at the table! And he is to catch others with Jesus’ love. How are we making sure everyone has a seat at Christ’s table?

Live Church 2/2/2025


After declaring his mission, a fulfillment from the prophet Isaiah, Jesus provokes his hometown by recalling God’s mercy for the outsider. Filled with rage, they try to throw him off a cliff! Who would we rather God’s love not reach? How will we join Jesus’ love for everyone?

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