Girlfriends: A Women’s Ministry

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Our Girlfriends ministry creates a fun and welcoming place where women of all ages (including 20-somethings!) can feel safe to experience God's goodness and build meaningful relationships with other women.

Girlfriends centers on bringing women together in casual, fun settings so that they can meet new friends or catch up with old friends. We offer themed events called G! Events where women might play games, experience pampering, or enjoy entertainment. Our smaller, monthly G! Groups allow women to connect with other women with similar interests.

Interested? Check out our group offerings!


Dining Divas

Love to eat, who doesn't! Join this group to dine out at various restaurants. We dine on the 3rd Monday each month. Sign up to receive advance emails with time and restaurant location.

Mon, Feb 17: Black Angus, El Cajon

Mon, Mar 17: BJ’s Restaurant, Grossmont Center

Mon Apr 7: Hacienda Casa Blanca, 700 N. Johnson, El Cajon

Contacts: Judy Farrar and Sandy Hood


Clever Crafters

We would like to invite you to be part of our informal craft group. We make simple crafts for our fall Mission/Craft Fair. We meet on the 4th Saturday each month at 10:00am in Thomson Hall. You can also work on crafts at home.

Contacts: Theresa Fox and Jocelyn Fischer




We get together once a month to play Bunco. We currently have 12 regular players, but we always need “subs”.

Contact: Ginny Wisley



We meet every Monday morning at 9:30 am at Parkway Plaza. Walk at your own pace and then meet for coffee afterward.

Contacts: Debbie Gossett and Peggy Dow


Movie Mavens

Do you enjoy going to the movies? Make sure your name is on our email list so you can be contacted about our next movie. We try to see a new movie each month. You can even purchase Regal Cinema SCRIP at church.

Contacts: Irene Pash and Genie Strom

Knit for Kids

Get together with other knitters on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1:00 pm in Thomson Hall . We make children’s sweaters, hats, and gloves for World Vision, baby clothes and blankets for MOM, and stocking caps for the military and the homeless.

Contact: Michelle Blackman


Book Club “Bookies”

We usually meet at 4:00pm in Thomson Hall on the 4th Sunday each month to discuss our current book.

Contact: Nancy Williams

Book Schedule:

February: “After Annie” by Anna Quindlan

March: “Escape” by Carolyn Jessop

April: “The Briar Club” by Kate Quinn

May: “The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawson


Breakfast Beauties

On the 1st Tuesday of each month at 8:30 join your Girlfriends for breakfast and conversation at The Pancake House on N 2nd Street in El Cajon.

Contacts: Irene Pash and Ginny Wisley


Priscilla Circle

We meet on the third Tuesday each month in Thomson Hall.  Bring your lunch and join us at 11:30am.

Contact: Peggy Dow.

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Contact Debbie Gossett at girlfriends@firstpres-elcajon.org