Giving takes shape in many forms — time, special abilities, and resources.
We are grateful for your financial donations that enable the ministries of our church.
Monetary Giving
We believe God is generous and we are invited to mirror God’s abundance, giving back as an act of worship. We have found that giving is an act of faith, and that what Jesus says: “where your heart is, there will your treasure be also.” - Matthew 6:21. Modern science confirms how good generosity is: boosting health, reducing stress, promoting social connections, and improves relationships, among other things. We invite everyone to give what they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver. Monetary giving is only one way of giving. Explore how you may give to our church or neighborhood with your time and talents →
Your financial giving to First Presbyterian Church of El Cajon is what provides the essential revenue needed for the operation and maintenance of our buildings, paying our staff, and funding the important work of our ministries. Your gifts support the mission and vision of our congregation. Whether you give financially, participate in worship, volunteer in our ministries, or keep our congregation and neighborhood in your prayers, we are so grateful for your involvement and support. Thank you!
Monetary Donations
We have several options for monetary giving:
Use "BILL PAY" through your banking institution. (no fees)
Personally place in the offertory on Sundays.
Send by mail to:
First Presbyterian Church of El Cajon
500 Farragut Circle
El Cajon, CA 92020
Shop With Scrip
Using scrip should be part of your daily stewardship as you purchase groceries, clothing, meals or gasoline. If we need to spend our money, it is a great feeling to know that our church is also earning money when we make our purchases with scrip gift cards.